Zitat des Monats (12)

12. Juni 2012 von Laborjournal

Unter der Überschrift „We have a duty to put our faith in science, not trample on it“ forderte Will Hutton Ende Mai im englischen Observer, dass es an der Zeit wäre, den Wissenschaftlern wieder mehr zu vertrauen. Unter anderem schrieb er dazu:

Yet by 1859, Darwin could publish On the Origin of Species to popular acclaim. Nineteenth-century Victorian England embraced science with enthusiasm.

Today, I wonder how a work as ground-breaking as Darwin’s would be received. Take the Flour Back [a UK group of GMO protesters] would accuse him of being the slave of corporate interests set on unleashing dangerous new methods to lift agricultural productivity. Animal Rights protesters would say that the voyage of the Beagle was predicated on inhuman experimentation on animals. The Tea Party movement and religious fundamentalists would try to ban him from entering the US. Islamic fundamentalists would doubtless issue a fatwa.

Und an anderer Stelle:

The story of the decades ahead is going to be dramatically exciting scientific progress that we should welcome as unambiguously as the Victorians celebrated their science. We need to rediscover the Baconian tradition and to manage the inevitable ethical and moral dilemmas through public argument.


Today, we see corporations as manipulators of science to create huge personal fortunes for a distant, antisocial elite at the top — and the public realm in which scientific advance might be discussed is dominated by media careless of objectivity.

This is a culture that generates movements such as Take Back the Flour that trust no one and it won’t change until companies are forced, or volunteer, to rejoin the society of which they are part. And until we create media that respect truth.

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