(F)Rohe Ostern!

21. April 2011 von Laborjournal

Was passiert, wenn englische Chemiker sich für Schokoladen-Ostereier interessieren, zeigt dieses Video ihrer „eggsperiments“:

In einem anderen, früher produzierten Video hatte der herrlich verwirrt aussehende Nottinghamer Chemie-Professor Martyn Poliakoff dem geneigten Zuschauer bereits erklärt, wie man Eier im Labor richtig kocht.

Erst vor kurzem dagegen regte sich der australische Mediziner Nathan Grills im Medical Journal of Australia über den Osterhasen als gesundheitsschädliches „Role Model“ auf:      

Although the Easter Bunny’s delivery practices may provide a better role model than Santa’s, with its vigorous round-the-world hopping sustained only by carrots, the Easter Bunny may have a more direct impact on obesity by promoting and distributing energy-dense, nutrient-poor food. Excess chocolate has been linked to dental caries and obesity, and obesity has been linked to a significantly higher risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, gall bladder disease, liver disease, and heart disease and stroke, and to a small increased risk of cancer (breast, colorectal and endometrial cancers).

Sein Vorschlag daher unter anderem:

Changing the EB’s image — Given the Easter Bunny’s potential for good, it could become a public health pin-up bunny, supporting campaigns that encourage children to eat the recommended daily five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit. Chocolate egg hunts could become brussels sprout hunts! After all, the Easter Bunny itself would advocate for this change, given that bunnies do not digest chocolate particularly well.

Wie auch immer — die Laborjournal-Redaktion wünscht Frohe Ostern!

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