Autoren am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs (22)

17. Januar 2014 von Laborjournal

Kurz nach Neujahr veröffentlichte Dorothy Bishop, Professorin für Entwicklungsneuropsychologie an der Universität Oxford, in ihrem immer lesenswerten BishopBlog einen ganz besonderen „Neujahrsbrief“ an alle Wissenschaftsverlage („A New Year’s letter to academic publishers“). Sie beginnt mit der Klarstellung:

My relationships with journals are rather like a bad marriage: a mixture of dependency and hatred.

Um bald darauf festzustellen:

In the past, the top journals had no incentive to be accommodating to authors. There were too many of us chasing scarce page space. But there are now some new boys on the open access block, and some of them have recognised that if they want to attract people to publish with them, they should listen to what authors want. And if they want academics to continue to referee papers for no reward, then they had better treat them well too.

Sie fordert also ein, dass die Verlage netter werden sollen zu den Autoren (und übrigens auch zu den Reviewern). Diesen Beitrag weiterlesen »