Schauerliche Syndrome

7. August 2012 von Laborjournal

Einige Menschen leiden unter (krankhaften und zuweilen höchstpeinlichen) Fehlsteuerungen, die man seinem schlimmsten Feind nicht wünschen würde. So beginnt sinngemäß Blogger Carian seine wöchentliche Kolumne „Embarrassing Conditions“ im United Academics Magazine.

Und was er (oder sie) da so alles ausgräbt (und jedes Mal durch Originalartikel belegt), mutet bisweilen ziemlich skurril an. Zum Beispiel der Eintrag „Screaming In The Rain“, in dem er die Wassernesselsucht (Aquagenic Urticaria) beschreibt:

This rarely diagnosed form of hives is characterized by a painful skin reaction resulting from contact with water of any kind, which could be rain, but also the patient´s own (or someone else’s) sweat and tears.

Soon after being exposed to water their skin starts to itch and burn, and may develop pale red, raised bumps. This can also occur in the throat after drinking water, causing swelling and shortness of breath. These symptoms usually persist for between 10 minutes to an hour.

Oder das Alien-Hand-Syndrom im Artikel „Attacked by Your Own Hand“:

This rare medical condition is known as “alien hand syndrome”. The condition is usually caused by a stroke or other brain damage, particularly in the areas of the corpus callosum (connecting the two cerebral hemispheres), or frontal or parietal lobes.

Although sufferers retain all sense of feeling in the “alien hand” (or leg), the hand acts autonomously, with reported movements ranging from involuntary touching the face to stuffing food in the mouth and even self inflicted choking.

As a consequence patients lose their sense of control over the limb and often describe feelings of dissociation. In addition, they may exhibit behaviors such as speaking to the hand or claiming its possessed.

Oder das Fremdsprachen-Akzent-Syndrom, das Paris-Syndrom, die Andauernde Genitale Erregungsstörung, und und und…

Eine wahrhaft schauerliche Sammlung.



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